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How to Install VMware Workstation Player in Ubuntu Linux - It's FOSS

How to Install VMware Workstation Player in Ubuntu Linux – It’s FOSS

This quick tutorial shows you how to install VMware Workstation Player on Ubuntu Linux.

VMware is one of the best desktop and server virtualization applications on Linux. Some people prefer it more than Oracle’s open-source VirtualBox.

With a virtual machine application such as VMware, you can run another operating system within your current operating system.

For example, if you want to try another Linux distribution, you can install it on a USB stick and use it as a live USB or install it alongside your current operating system. Both are fine, but you have to log out of your current system and boot into another one just to try a new operating system.

In this scenario, you can install another operating system inside Ubuntu as a virtual machine. You will be able to use it without leaving your main operating system, i.e. Ubuntu.

In this tutorial, I will show you how to install VMware Workstation Player on Ubuntu 20.04, 22.04 and future versions. The instructions must also be valid for Linux Mint and other Ubuntu-based distributions.

Note: VMWare Workstation is not open source software.

Install VMware on Ubuntu

20.04 and 22.04<

img src=”” alt=”install VMware Workstation on Ubuntu Linux” />VMware Workstation

Player is free for personal, non-commercial use. As an individual, you can use it without paying anything.

Recommended system requirements for installing VMware Workstation Player:For

a decent VMware experience, your system must meet the following criteria:

  • 64-bit 2 GHz processor
  • Minimum 4 GB RAM (8 GB recommended)
  • Disk space depends on the guest operating system you are installing on the virtual machine


install VMware Workstation Player

on Ubuntu and other Ubuntu-based distributions, follow the steps below

😛 aso 1: Install the required build packages

Open a terminal (Ctrl+Alt+T) and use the following command to install the required build packages and Linux kernel headers from the

build-essential package:sudo apt install build-essential

Step 2: Download

VMware Workstation Player

The next step is to download VMware Workstation Player from their website.

You will see options to download VMware Workstation Player for Windows and Linux. There are no prizes for guessing that you have to download the Linux version here.

Download VMware Workstation Player

Don’t worry when you start downloading a . Bundle. That’s really the installer.

download vmware

Step 3: Install VMware Player


must set the execute permission on the downloaded installation file


You can do it graphically without the need for the terminal. Just go to the folder where the file was downloaded. Right click on it and make it executable as shown in the image below:

right-click on the downloaded installation file

Head to the permissions tab and proceed to allow the file to run as a program.

make the file executable

Subsequently, right-click on the file now, and you should see the “Run it” option. Continue with it and the installation should begin.

Alternatively, you can try the command line:

I assume it has been downloaded to your download directory. If so, use the following command to make the file executable

:chmod +x ~/Downloads/VMware-Player*

And then run the installation file

:sudo ~/Downloads/VMware-Player*

This will open an installation window.

Troubleshooting tip: Installation failed due to vmmon, vmnet

kernel module error On Ubuntu and other distributions that use newer kernels, VMware installation stops upon encountering a vmmon and vmnet kernel module error. To rectify this and continue with the installation


First, install the prerequisites for compiling and installing packages from source:

sudo apt install gcc build-essential

Go to and choose your VMware Player version and download the zip

choose vmware version

Next, you need to navigate to the extracted directory through the terminal (using the cd command) and use the commands given one by one to create

tar files of the modules: tar -cf vmmon.tar vmmon-only tar -cf vmnet.tar vmnet-only Now,

copy the newly created tar files

to /usr/lib/vmware.modules.source :sudo cp -v vmmon.tar vmnet.tar /usr/lib/vmware/modules/source/

And the last step is to use the given command, and install kernel modules on your system

: sudo vmware-modconfig -console -install-all

Step 4: Install VMware Player

From here, it’s not rocket science. Like any other app, follow the on-screen instructions. Here are some of the screenshots for reference:

vmware agree terms and conditions

You must accept the terms and conditions to continue. And then enable/disable the ability to check for updates when you start VMware Workstation Player.

VMware Installer check for updates
VMware Installer Check for updates

VMware then collects requests that you share some of your user data to improve the user experience. You can opt out if you wish.

VMware Installer Customer Experience Improvement ProgramVMware
Installer Customer Experience Improvement Program

You may also be prompted for a license key, don’t panic, you don’t need one if you want to use the free VMware player for non-commercial purposes. For commercial use, get the pro edition (where you’ll get a license key).

vmware installer license keyVMware installer license key

And that would

be it.

The installation should begin and you will be notified/greeted when it completes.


img src=”” alt=”vmware
finished” />

If you want to be able to copy and paste between the actual operating system (host) and the virtual operating system (guest) and share files between them, you must also install VMware Tools on Linux.

How to Uninstall VMWare Player from Ubuntu

If your workflow requires more than what VMWare player offers, or you just want to remove it from your system, here are quick steps to uninstall VMWare from Ubuntu


First, change your current directory

to /usr/bin:cd /usr/bin And use the given command to start the




sudo vmware-installer -u vmware-player

Type yes and it will remove

VMWare from your system:

Uninstall VMware from Ubuntu

Final Words

This was a quick guide on how you can install VMWare on Ubuntu-based distributions. I hope this solves your problem and if not, let me know in the comments and I will do my best to find a solution.

Prefer to use VMware Workstation Player? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

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