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How to Disable Firewall in Ubuntu - Linux Hint

How to Disable Firewall in Ubuntu – Linux Hint

Ubuntu is a popular Linux operating system that has its own firewall known as ufw (uncomplicated firewall). In Ubuntu we can enable or disable that firewall according to our requirements. It is recommended to keep the firewall turned on, but in some situations, such as troubleshooting or testing, you may need to disable the firewall. The firewall is the network security system

of an operating system that observes and maintains network traffic based on defined rules. The firewall also helps monitor networks, whether they are trusted or untrusted. In addition, they defend your computer from hackers by separating malicious network traffic. Ubuntu’s ufw firewall is an easy-to-use front-end for maintaining iptables firewall rules. Its main goal is to make firewall rule management much easier or hassle-free, as the name implies.

This article focuses on how to disable/turn off Ubuntu firewall. Use any of the approaches mentioned below to disable Ubuntu system ufw firewall successfully.

Method 1: Disable firewall in Ubuntu using

command line

To disable the firewall

using the terminal, follow the steps below


Step 1: Check the firewallstatus First check that the status of your ufw firewall, whether or not it is enabled to disable it, as the Ubuntu firewall is disabled by default, Run the command mentioned below to check its status:

disable firewall ubuntu 01

So, the status is “active”, this means that ufw is enabled on your Ubuntu system now you need to disable it.

Step 2: Disable the firewall Now,

if you are facing some major issues due to the firewall and want to disable it, run the command mentioned below on your Ubuntu system


disable firewall ubuntu 02

Now the firewall

is disabled as shown above and you can now perform the task that you could not do because the firewall was enabled.

Step 3 : Checking the Firewall StatusNow check the ufw firewall status again to confirm that

the firewall is disabled using the command mentioned below:

disable firewall ubuntu 03

The firewall status is now disabled.

Method 2: Disable the firewall by gufw

The gufw utility is an easy-to-use graphical interface for ufw that allows you to manage your firewall without having to type ufw instructions on the command line. So if you want to disable ufw by graphical interface, follow the procedure

below: Step 1: Installing gufw Open the terminal and run the command mentioned below to install gufw:

disable firewall ubuntu 04

Step 2: Start the gufw app Open “Activities” and type “gufw” in the

search bar and click on the gufwicon shown below

: disable firewall ubuntu 05

An authentication dialog box will appear Enter your password and click “Authenticate

: disable firewall ubuntu 06

A “Firewall” window opens



src=”” alt=

“” />

Step 3: Disablingthe firewall Check its status

: disable firewall ubuntu 08

It is enabled right now, turn it off by moving the bar to the left and the firewall will be disabled:

<img src="" alt=

” />


UFW or Uncomplicated FireWall is the Ubuntu firewall configuration tool that comes pre-installed. UFW has an easy-to-use front-end to maintain iptables firewall rules. Its main goal is to make firewall rule management easier or more simplistic, as the name implies. Sometimes it is necessary to disable this firewall due to testing purposes, in this article we describe two methods to disable / disable the firewall by command line interface and by gufw (graphical interface). You can follow any method that is easy for you.

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