In this chapter, we will learn how to use the Wi-Fi cracking tools that Kali Linux has incorporated. However, it is important that the wireless card has a supported monitoring mode.
Fern Wifi
Cracker Fern Wifi
cracker is one of the tools that Kali has to crack wireless
Before opening Fern, we need to convert the wireless card into monitoring mode. To do this, type “airmon-ng start wlan-0″ in the terminal.
Now, open Fern Wireless Cracker. Step
1 – Applications → Click on “Wireless Attacks” → “
Fern Wireless Cracker”. <img src="" alt="
Fern Wireless Cracker
” />
Step 2 − Select the wireless card as shown in the screenshot below.
3 − Click “Search for Access Points
Step 4 – After finishing the scan, it will display all found wireless networks. In this case, only “WPA networks” were found.
Step 5 − Click WPA Networks as shown in the screenshot above. Displays all wireless found. Generally, in WPA networks, it performs dictionary attacks as such.
Step 6 – Click on “Browse” and find the list of words to use for the attack.
7 − Click “Wi-Fi attack”.
Step 8 – After finishing the dictionary attack, it found the password and it will be displayed as shown in the following screenshot image.
is a WIFI network analysis tool. It is a layer 2 802.11 wireless network detector, sniffer and intrusion detection system. It will work with any wireless card that supports raw monitoring mode (rfmon) and can sniff out 802.11a/b/g/n traffic. It identifies networks by collecting packets and also hidden networks.
To use it, convert the wireless card into monitoring mode and to do this, type “airmon-ng start wlan-0″ in the terminal.
Let’s learn how to use this tool.
1 – To launch it, open the terminal and type “kismet
“. Step
2 − Click “OK”.
Step 3 − Click “Yes” when prompted to start Kismet Server. Otherwise, it will stop working.
Step 4 − Startup options, leave as default. Click “Start”.
Step 5 − It will now display a table asking you to define the wireless card. In this case, click Yes.
Step 6 − In this case, the wireless source is “wlan0”. It will have to be typed in the “Intf” section → click “Add”.
7 − It will start sniffing wifi networks
as shown in the screenshot below.
Step 8 − Click on any network, produce the wireless details as shown in the following screenshot.
GISKismet is a wireless visualization tool to represent the data collected using Kismet in a practical way. GISKismet stores the information in a database so that we can query data and generate graphs using SQL. GISKismet currently uses SQLite for database and GoogleEarth/KML files for graphics.
Let’s learn how to use this tool.
Step 1 – To open GISKismet, go to: Applications → Click on “Wireless Attacks” → giskismet.
As you will recall in the previous section, we used the Kismet tool to explore data about wireless networks and all these Kismet data packets in
netXML files.
Step 2 – To import this file to Giskismet, type “root@kali:~# giskismet -x Kismetfilename.netxml” and it will start importing the files.
Once imported, we can import them into Google Earth the Hotspots we found before
Step 3 – Assuming we have already installed Google Earth, we click File → Open file that Giskismet created → Click “Open”.
The following map will be displayed.
Ghost Phisher Ghost Phisher
is a popular tool that helps create fake wireless access points and then create Man-in-The-Middle-Attack.
1 – To open it, click on Applications → wireless attacks → “phantom phishing”.
<img src="" alt="
Ghost Phisher
” />
Step 2 − After opening it, we will set up the fake AP using the following details.
- Wireless interface input: wlan0
- SSID: Wireless AP name
- AP
- will have WAP: Password that this SSID will have to connect
IP address: IP that the
Step 3 – Click the Start button
. Wifite
is another wireless clacking tool, which attacks multiple WEP, WPA, and WPS encrypted networks in a row
First of all, the wireless card has to be in the monitoring mode
. Step
1 – To open it, go to Applications → Wireless Attack →
Wifite. Step 2 − Type “
-showb” to search for the networks. <img src="" alt="
Wifite Showb” /> Step 3 − To start attacking wireless networks, click Ctrl + C. Step 4 – Type “1”
to decrypt the First Wireless Connection.
Step 5 − Once the attack is complete, the key will be found.