Installation via GUI is only valid in DEB and RPM versions
. Download
the package and store it locally
- using the default package installer.
. Install the package
Installation procedures
DEB CLI version
Download the deb package from and store it locally
Change to the root user.
To install type
: dpkg -i RASClient.deb Note: If the
installation fails due to lack of dependencies, try installing these dependencies by using the following
command: apt-get -f install
The client binaries for Linux are now installed at
following command to start the
You can also run the following commands to get a list of all usage parameters for the client session:
cd /opt/2X/Client/bin ./appserverclient -?
: /opt/2X/ Client/bin Run the
client: /opt/2X/Client/bin/2XClient
RPM Version
Download the rpm package from and store it locally
Change to the root user.
Input command as shown in the following example, depending on the version of the client you want to
install: rpm -ivh
- If you experience a dependency error, run the following command for installation and confirm the dependency fix
: yum install RASClient-xx.xx.xxxx_x86_x64.rpm
for Linux binaries are now installed under
You can also run the following commands to get a list of all usage parameters for the client session:
cd /opt/2X/Client/bin ./appserverclient -?
: /opt/2X/Client/bin Run the following command to start the client: /opt/2X/Client/bin/2XClient
. . .TAR. Version BZ2
Download the tar package from and store it locally
Change to the directory containing
Parallels Client, for example: cd /home/<username>/Downloads
To install type
: tar jxvf RASClient.tar.bz2 -C
It is recommended that you start the post-installation script to register icons, mimetypes, url schema, and database configurations. This script is located at
- bin/2XClient
You can also run the following commands to get a list of all usage parameters for the client session:
cd /opt/2X/Client/bin ./appserverclient -?
Note: To unregister registered components during installation, it is recommended to start the uninstall script located at: /opt/2X/Client/scripts/
. Change to the root user.
/ Parallels Client for Linux binaries are now installed at: /opt/2X/Client/
: /opt/2X/Client/scripts/ Run the following command to start the client: /opt/2X/Client/
(Single Sign-On)
installation procedures Depending on the package used to install the client
, the SSO installation procedure may vary
Now available with the client
- TAR package – Run script at location /opt/2X/Client/scripts/
- RPM Package: Manual installation required.
Separate client package:
- Debian package – Requires pre-installed client. Install the package using the default package installer.
Manual installation procedure (RPM required)
Install the
- module to have single sign-on for the client.
This file is located in /opt/2X/Client/lib/security/ regardless of the package used.
The module always returns true and will use an authentication token that will be provided by
a higher authentication module.
Note: When a higher authentication module has been set to SUFFICIENT, it will succeed again immediately and will not be called. Please change ENOUGH TO REQUIRED.
To install the client PAM module, add two lines to your session management service (for example, /etc/pam d/gdm):
auth optional password optional
Module arguments
Debug: The debug trace will be written to /tmp/pam_2xclient.log. If the file cannot be opened, syslog will be used.
You can use the debug argument with all module types. EG. Optional session
debugging The module will create an SSO cookie for known session services only
- You can change the list of services to allow: For example, optional auth gdm kde kdm-kde4