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Helm Install

Helm Install



install a graphic


This command installs a graphics file.

The installation argument must be a chart reference, a path to a packaged chart, a

path to an unpacked chart directory, or a URL.

To override values in a chart, use the ‘-values’ flag and pass a file or use the ‘-set’

flag and pass the settings from the command line, to force a string value use ‘-set-string’. You can use ‘-set-file’ to set individual values of a file when the value itself is too long for the command line or is dynamically generated. You can also use ‘-set-json’ to set json values (scalars/objects/arrays) from the command line.

$ helm install -f myvalues.yaml myredis ./redis or$ helm install -set name=prod myredis ./redis or$ helm install -set-string long_int=1234567890 myredis ./redis or$ helm install -set-file myredis ./redis or

$ helm install -set-json ‘master.sidecars=[{“name”:”sidecar”,”image”:”myImage”,”imagePullPolicy”:”Always”,”ports”:[{“name”:”portname”,”containerPort”:1234}]}]’ myredis ./redis

You can specify the ‘-values’/’-f’ flag multiple times. The last file (rightmost right) specified will be prioritized. For example, if

myvalues.yaml and override.yaml contained a key named ‘Test’, the value set to override.yaml would take precedence:$ helm install -f myvalues.yaml -f override.yaml myredis ./redis

You can specify the ‘-set’ flag multiple times. Priority will be given to the last set (most to the right) specified. For

example, if the values ‘bar’ and ‘newbar’ are set for a key named ‘foo’, the value ‘newbar’ would take precedence:$ helm install -set foo=bar -set foo=newbar myredis ./redis Similarly, in the following example, ‘foo’ is set to ‘[“four”]’:$ helm install -set-json=’foo=[“one”, “two”, “three”]’ -set-json=’


myredis ./redis

And in the following example, ‘foo

‘ is set to ‘{“key1″:”value1″,”key2″:”bar”}’:$ helm install -set-json=’foo={“key1″:”value1″,”key2″:”value2”}’ -set-json=’foo.key2=”bar”‘ myredis ./redis

To check the generated manifests of a version without installing the chart, you can combine the ‘-debug’ and ‘-dry-run’ flags


If -verify is set, the chart MUST have a provenance file and the provenance file MUST pass all verification steps.

There are six different ways to express the chart you want

to install:P or chart reference: helm install mymaria example/mariadb By path to a packaged graphic: helm install mynginx ./nginx-1.2.3.tgz By

  1. path to an unpacked graphics directory
  2. : helm install mynginx ./nginx By

  3. absolute URL: helm install mynginx
  4. By
  5. chart
  6. reference and repository URL
  7. : helm install -repo mynginx

  8. nginx By OCI Records: helm install mynginx -version 1.2.3 oci://


A chart reference

is a convenient way to

reference a chart in a graphics repository.

When you use a chart reference with a repository prefix (‘example/mariadb’), Helm will search the local configuration for a repository of Charts named ‘example’ and then it will search for a chart in that repository named ‘MariaDB’. It will install the latest stable version of that chart until you specify the ‘-devel’ flag to also include the development version (alpha, beta, and release candidates), or provide a version number with the ‘-version’ flag.

To view the list of chart repositories, use ‘helm repo list’. To search for graphics in a repository, use ‘helm search’.


Options inherited from the main commands


  • helm – The Helm package manager for Kubernetes.
Self-generated by spf13/cobra on 8-Feb-2023

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