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Git Guides - git push - GitHub

Git Guides – git push – GitHub

Git push illustrationgit push

uploads all local branch commits to

the corresponding remote branch.

What does git push do? Git

Push updates the remote branch with local commits. It is one of four Git commands that requests interaction with the remote repository. You can also think of git push as an update or publish.

By default, git push only updates the corresponding branch on the remote. Therefore, if you are checked out in the main branch when you run git push, only the main branch will be updated. It’s always a good idea to use git status to see which branch you’re in before sending to the remote.

How to use

git push

After you make and commit changes locally, you can share them with the remote repository using git push. Sending changes to the remote makes your confirmations accessible to others you may be collaborating with. This will also update any open pull requests with the branch you are working on.

As a best practice, it is important to run the git pull command before pushing new changes to the remote branch. This will update your local branch with any new changes that may have been sent remotely by other collaborators. Pull before insertion can reduce the number of merge conflicts you create on GitHub, allowing you to resolve them locally before pushing your changes to the remote branch.

Common uses and options for

git push git push –

  • f: Force an insert that would otherwise be blocked, usually because it will delete or overwrite existing commits (Use it with caution!)
  • git push –

  • u origin [branch]: Useful when pushing a new branch, this creates an upstream branch with a lasting relationship with its local branch git
  • push -all: Push all branches
  • git

  • push -tags: Publish tags that are not yet in the remote repository

You can see all options with git push in the git-scm documentation


Why can’t I push?

If you’re trying git push but are having problems, there are some common solutions.




Check which branch you are currently in with git status. If you are working on a protected branch, such as main, you may not be able to send receipts directly to the remote control. If this happens to you, that’s fine! You can fix this in several ways.

No branch was yet being worked

  1. on Create and retire a new branch from its current commit
  2. : git checkout -b [branch name]

  3. Then, push the new branch towards the remote control: git push -u origin
  4. [branch name]

Accidentally confirmed in the wrong branch Make the purchase


the branch with which

  1. you intended to be confirmed: git checkout
  2. [branch name]

  3. Merge the commits from the branch you accidentally compromised with: git merge [main]
  4. Insert the changes into the remote control
  5. : git push

  6. Fix the other branch by checking that branch, finding which commit to point to, and using git reset -hard to fix the branch pointer

Related terms

  • git commit -m “descriptive message”: Records snapshots of files permanently in version history.
  • git clone [url]: Clone (download) a repository that already exists on GitHub, including all files, branches, and commits.
  • git status: It is always a good idea, this command shows you which branch you are in, what files are in the working or staging directory and any other important information.
  • git pull: Update your current local work branch with all new commits from the corresponding remote branch on GitHub. Git Pull is a combination of Git Fetch and Git Merge.

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