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How to fix “FirewallD is not running” error on CentOS - Linux Hint

How to fix “FirewallD is not running” error on CentOS – Linux Hint

Are you looking for a solution to fix the “FirewallD is not running” error? We’re here to help. On Linux-based operating systems such as CentOS, FirewallD is a firewall management utility. It acts as a front-end to the Linux kernel netfilter framework, offering firewall functionality. Supports firewall zones, bridges, IPv6, IPv4, and other sets of ipsets for networks. If the FirewallD utility is not

enabled or your system is missing this tool, you may encounter a “FirewallD is not running” error on your CentOS terminal. In this post, we will check three different solutions to fix the “FirewallD is not running” error on a CentOS system. So, let’s get started!

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How to check

FirewallD service on CentOS

There is a chance that you have not installed or enabled FirewallD on your CentOS. To confirm the cause of this error, run the following command:

On CentOS, the rpm utility allows users to update, verify, query, install, and uninstall any package. We will add the “-qa” option to query the FirewallD package in the rpm command. As a result, if the output shows any details about

the FirewallD package, this declares that the FirewallD package is installed: word image 214

If running the rpm does not display information related to the FirewallD, you must first install it on your system before configuring it.

<img src


alt=”” />

Go ahead and install FirewallD if it is not already installed on your CentOS system. Otherwise, proceed to the next section and follow the procedure of enabling the FirewallD service on CentOS.

How to Fix “FirewallD

Is Not Running” Error

on CentOS by Installing FirewallD To install FirewallD on your

system, open your CentOS terminal by pressing “CTRL+ALT+T” and type the following as indicated on it

: word image 216

<img src="" alt=

” />

Now, start the FirewallD service by running this command

: word image 218 After starting the FirewallD service,

enable it on your CentOS system

: word image 219

Finally, check the status of the FirewallD service:

<img src="" alt="


How to Fix

“FirewallD Is Not Running” Error on CentOS by Unmasking FirewallD

You may find yourself stuck in a situation where FirewallD is installed on your system; however, running any FirewallD command still shows you the error “FirewallD is not running“. To fix this error, you need to know the status of the

FirewallD service on your system:

Your FirewallD service may be masked, so it is down on your system. To resolve this “FirewallD is not running” error, you need to unmask it first before enabling it

on your CentOS system: word image 221 To unmask the FirewallD service,

we will run this command


<img src


alt=”” />

Now, start the FirewallD service on your System

: word image 223

Then, check the status of

the FirewallD service by running the command given below on your terminal:

word image 224

How to Fix “FirewallD Is Not Running” Error on CentOS by Enabling FirewallD To confirm if your problem of having the “

FirewallD is not running”

” error comes under this situation

, you need to check the status of FirewallD status at first: If the FirewallD service has the “

inactive” status without declaring any reason, then you need to enable FirewallD on your system:

word image 225

To fix the “FirewallD

is not running” error ” on CentOS, the first thing you need to do is start

the FirewallD service: word image 226

Now, enable it on your CentOS system by typing the following command in the terminal

: word image 227

To check the status of the FirewallD service, run this command:

<img src="" alt=

” />

All set! Your “FirewallD is not running” error should be corrected after following any of the given procedures. Now, we will test the FirewallD service by running an example command:

In this FirewallD command, the “-permanent” option is used to set the options permanently. While the “-add-port” option is added to open port 22 for the tcp protocol

: word image 229

Enter the system password for authentication:

<img src="" alt=



The output states that we have fixed the error “FirewallD is not running” ” on our CentOS system :

word image 231


FirewallD is a dynamically controlled firewall that offers support for firewall and network zones. IPv6 and IPv64 firewall settings, ipsets, and Ethernet bridges are configured with the help of the FirewallD utility. If you have encountered the errorFirewallD is not running” on your system, then you are in the right place! In this post, we have compiled three different methods to fix the “FirewallD is not running” error on a CentOS system.

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