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Ffmpegwasm/ffmpeg.wasm - GitHub

Ffmpegwasm/ffmpeg.wasm – GitHub

Node version

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ffmpeg.wasm is a pure Webassembly/Javascript port of FFmpeg. It allows recording, converting and streaming video and audio directly within browsers.

AVI to MP4 Demo

Try it:

Check the next steps of ffmpeg.wasm HERE

Installation node Since

we are using experimental functions, you need to add flags to run in Node.js


Or, using an in-browser script tag (only works in some browsers, see list below):

SharedArrayBuffer is only available for isolated cross-origin pages. Therefore, you must host your own server with the headers Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy: require-corp and Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy: same-origin to use ffmpeg.wasm.

Only browsers with SharedArrayBuffer support

can use ffmpeg.wasm, you can check HERE for the full list.


ffmpeg.wasm provides easy-to-use APIs, to

transcode a video you only need a few lines of code:

Use another version of ffmpeg.wasm-core /@ffmpeg/core For each version of


, there is a default version of @ffmpeg/core

(you can find it in devDependencies de package.json), but sometimes you may need to use a newer version of @ffmpeg/core to use the latest/experimental features.


Simply install the specific version you need:

Or use your own version

with custom path


Note that for webworkers and nodejs support, this will default to a local path, so you’ll try to search for ‘static/js/ffmpeg.core.js’ locally, often resulting in a local resource error. If you want to use a major version hosted on your own domain, you can refer to it relatively like this


To view the list of available versions and their changelog, verify:

Use single-threaded version


Multithreading must be configured by external libraries, only the following libraries now support it:


Run it in multithreading mode by default, no need to pass any arguments.


You need to pass -row-mt 1, but you can only use one thread to help, it can speed up about 30%

API Documentation

  • Supported external libraries

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the license

for ffmpeg.wasm?

There are two components inside ffmpeg.wasm:

@ffmpeg/ffmpeg ( @ffmpeg/core (

  • @ffmpeg/core

contains WebAssembly code that is extracted from the original FFmpeg C code with minor modifications, but generally follows the same licenses as FFmpeg and its external libraries (as each external library can have its own license).

@ffmpeg/ffmpeg contains a kind of container to handle the complexity of loading the kernel and calling low-level APIs. It is a small code base and licensed under MIT.

Can I use ffmpeg.wasm in Firefox?

Yes, but only for Firefox 79+ with the proper header on both the client and server, visit to test if your Firefox works.

For more details: #106

What is the maximum input file size?

2 GB, which is a strict limit in WebAssembly. It could become 4GB in the future.

How can I build my own ffmpeg.wasm?

In fact, it’s ffmpeg.wasm-core that most people would like to build.

To build on your own, you can check within repository.

You can also check out this series of posts to learn more fundamental concepts:


Why doesn’t it work in my on-premises environment?

When calling ffmpeg.load(), by default it looks for http://localhost:3000/node_modules/@ffmpeg/core/dist/ to download essential files (ffmpeg-core.js, ffmpeg-core.wasm, ffmpeg-core.worker.js). You need to make sure that you have those files served there.

If you have those files serving in another location, you can rewrite the default behavior by calling createFFmpeg():

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