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Helm/chart-testing: CLI tool for linting and testing Helm charts - GitHub

Helm/chart-testing: CLI tool for linting and testing Helm charts – GitHub

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License” /> Go Report Card ci

ct is the tool for testing Helm charts. It is intended to be used for linting and testing extraction requests. Automatically detects modified charts in the target branch.

Installation prerequisites

It is recommended to use the provided Docker image that can be found on Quay. It comes with all the necessary tools installed.

  • Helm
  • Git (2.17.0 or later)
  • Yamllint Yamale
  • Kubectl



Download the version distribution for your operating system from the Versions: page

Unzip the ct binary, add it to your PATH and voila!

Image of Docker

A Docker image is available in with a list of tags available here.


Homebrew See the documentation for individual commands

: ct ct install ct lint ct

  • lint-and-install
  • ct modified ct

  • version
  • of ct


a more extensive practical guide, see:

  • charts-repo-actions-demo


ct is a command-line application. All command-line flags can also be set via environment variables or configuration file. Environment variables must be preceded by CT_. Underscores should be used instead of hyphens.

You can mix CLI flags, environment variables, and a configuration file. The following order of priority applies:

  1. CLI flags Environment variables

Configuration file

Note that linting requires a configuration file for yamllint and yamale. If not specified, these files are searched in the current directory, the .ct directory in the current directory, $HOME/.ct, and /etc/ct, in that order. Samples are provided in the etc. folder.


The following example shows several ways to configure

the same thing:



repository With



Local repository

If you have a chart in the current directory and ct installed on the host, you can run


With docker it works with

: Note that the

workdir parameter is important and must be the same as the mounted volume.


variable configuration file config.yaml:

Using the

configuration ct

supports any format that Viper can read, i.e. JSON, TOML, YAML, HCL, and Java property files.

Note that if

no configuration file is specified, ct.yaml (or any of the supported formats) is loaded from the current directory, $HOME/.ct, or /etc/ct, in that order, if found. Using

private chart repositories

When adding charts-repositories, you can specify additional arguments for the helm repo add command using helm-repo-extra-args per repo. This could be used, for example, to authenticate a private graphics repository.


Build from Source

ct compiles with Go 1.13 or higher. is used to compile and release the tool. Use Goreleaser under the covers.

Note: On MacOS you will need GNU Coreutils readlink. You can install it

with: Then

add gnubin to your $PATH, with


To use the build script:


Prepare for release

Before you create a version, the versions must be updated in the samples. A pull request must be created for this, which must be merged just before the version is cut. Here’s a previous one for reference: #89

Create Release

Release workflow is routed from github actions Versions should start with a lowercase v, for example, v3.7.1.

Supported versions

The previous MAJOR version

will be supported for three months after each new MAJOR version


Within this support window, pull requests for the previous MAJOR version must be made against the previous release branch. For example, if the current version of MAJOR is v2, the pull request base branch must be release-v1.


When upgrading from < v2.0.0, you will also need to change the usage of your scripts. This is because while v2.0.0 has parity with v1, it was refactored from a bash library to Go, so there are slight syntax differences. Compare the use of v1 with the README usage section of this previous release (v2).

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